ECI's Corona Virus Pandemic Response: Doing Our Part for Afghan Families in Need

Dear Friends of Enabled Children Initiative,

The last time we updated you about how COVID-19 was impacting our work in Afghanistan, there were 22 confirmed cases in the country. As of yesterday, there were 258 confirmed cases in several provinces and the numbers continue to increase. 

ECI is taking all precautions to protect the children in our care, their caretakers and staff, but we have also considered how we can refocus our work during this time of grave need to help families cope. On March 29, the Afghan government implemented a 3-week lockdown in Kabul city to thwart the spread of the virus. This means many poor families who depend on money earned every day just to eat, are facing deprivation and hunger.

Frozan Haidari, founder and manager of our Frozan Fund program that supports poor families with a parent or child with a disability to have a source of income generation, has shared stories from families whose sole priority has now become getting food and basic supplies to survive.  

Therefore, we will be using all funds collected via the Frozan Fund  to provide emergency support to families in need during the lockdown, and for as long as needed as the pandemic sweeps Afghanistan. This will include food, clothing, and other basic needs.

If you would like to make a donation to support families in need during the COVID 19 pandemic, you may do so here. Please write 'Frozan Fund' in the donation comment box.

If you have any questions about the Frozan Fund or ECI's COVID 19 response, please reach out to Ilaha Omar at 

Thank you as always for your continued support. We will keep you updated. Stay well!

Lael Mohib
ECI Founder and Director